Friday, March 26, 2010

Children’s Easter Service Information

Each Service Starts at 10:30am
Registration @ Welcome Centre at Lower Level Entrance
Sign In & Out Sheets Available at Entrance Door to each Program

[SK-Gr 5]

Jump into the wrestling ring and get ready for the ultimate battle against Sin. It’s time for a little Smackdown! In this action-packed Easter special, we follow the journey of Los Hermanos Stinkos (the three Stinky Brothers) as they search for the mighty El Salvador in an effort to remember who they are: Luchadores for the Lord. Prepare to meet the following cast of characters: El Leon, El Pollo Frito, and El Toro.

Preschoolers [Preschool-JK]

The Greatest Story Theatre" is the Easter Unit for our Bedrock Preschoolers. The preschool room will be transformed to a movie theatre and the kids will be given the red carpet treatment while learning about the greatest story ever told.


Babies Celebrating Easter: During the Easter Service we will be offering our Nursery in the Lower Level for parents with infants.